Ocraxus is an event first conceived in 2016 by a group of citizens, now organized under the Ocraxus Association, with the intent of promoting the charm of the town of Laconi, a place rich in history, art, culture, tradition and natural beauty.
It takes place during the third week of November and lasts for two days in which participants relive the atmosphere of the past among traditional dance and dress, antique crafts, historical commemorations and food tastings of local produce.
Along the streets of the historic center and in the ocraxus, the neighborhoods of the town, it is possible to visit the historical homes and ancient villas, experience the arts and antique crafts, and savor the tastes of another era.
Visitors also have the opportunity to check out exhibitions on history or natural history, the Museum of the Statue-Menhirs, the Museum of Saint Ignatius and the birthplace of the Saint.